When I was in my early teens I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (commonly known as PCOS for short). For those that aren’t familiar, it is a hormone disorder that can cause many major health issues including infertility, metabolic syndrome, mental health issues, and my biggest battle with it thus far- rapid weight gain. In fact, the reason that I went to a multitude of doctors in the first place was because I gained a lot of weight and couldn’t figure out why it was happening.

Let’s start the getting personal stuff by putting the most ridiculous picture of me first.
While in college, my doctor put me on Metformin to try and help regulate my weight. Long story short, it made me terribly sick and I had to stop taking it after a month. For at least a year after that I had a fear of taking any medication because I was so nervous I would end up sick like that again.

Always finding hidden Mickeys, even while chopping vegetables
After changing doctors many years later, the idea to once again try Metformin came up. Even at times that I was dieting & exercising, we weren’t seeing any significant weight loss and I was told that trying again might be the thing to help speed up the process. I had put it off for over a year, but once January hit I decided that I needed to face my fear and see if this was something that could help me.
In hindsight I can say that it doesn’t seem like Metformin is the “answer” for me. I seemed to adjust to it much easier this time around but experienced other side effects, which outweighed any benefits by far.
I am happy that I took the chance and tried it again, but I think for now my only plan of attack will have to be to focus on rebuilding my healthy eating habits. For me personally, I feel best when I follow a Whole30 or Paleo focused lifestyle. A lot of people may find this too restrictive but if I have managed to make it through numerous rounds, I’m pretty sure anyone can. I even spent a day in Magic Kingdom during my first round of Whole30!

Actual photographic evidence of me sticking to my first round of Whole30 while people watching at Magic Kingdom!
I’ve had days at Disney where I have overindulged beyond comfort. (I know I can’t be the only one that has experienced the Boma Coma!). I’ve also had days at Disney where I made healthy choices, walked a lot, and felt great at the end of my trip. There is no right or wrong way to do Disney, but I prefer a nice combination of both. Mixing some healthy meals with some indulgences will keep you satisfied on all accounts.
Thinking of adding in some healthier options to have on your radar? Here are some tips that help get me through a day at Disney:
- For me the most obvious tip is one that I sometimes choose to ignore- and then deeply regret it. If you know your body reacts negatively to something, try to limit eating any food that contains it. For me, dairy tends to bother me. Small changes like ordering my coffee with almond milk or having a dole whip instead of ice cream make a world of a difference.
- At quick service restaurants, stick with a kids meal. A kids meal usually has options for healthier sides like fruits or vegetables. Plus the portions may be a bit smaller (but honestly, usually not by much- kids meals also tend to be a much better value!)
- Have you ever seen that little symbol next to menu items with a checkmark over some Mickey ears? That indicates that the item has met Disney nutrition standards and generally speaking will be a healthier choice.
- Pack some of your own snacks! I love the fact that Disney still allows you to bring your own food and drink into the park. If I know I’m having a big meal later on, I will have a smaller breakfast to hold me over. My go-to is Power Crunch bars. They fill me up for a long amount of time and give me plenty of energy.
- Table service restaurants are your best bet for special accommodations to customize your meal how you would like. Most restaurants also have specific allergy friendly menus. If you are avoiding specific ingredients, those menus will help provide you with guidance.
- Look for options that are still indulgent but slightly better for you. For example, if you want a drink at La Cava Del Tequila, why not opt for a skinny margarita. The drink will have less calories, but still contains delicious tequila!
- Drink lots of water. I think this tip is relevant at all times in your life, but even more so when you are walking multiple miles a day in hot weather. I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, but you might be dehydrated rather than actually hungry.
- Lastly, keep in mind that you are probably burning a lot more calories per day walking around Disney than you would normally would. That means you are going to need more calories to sustain that and not be hungry. Don’t restrict yourself so much that you are starving. Trust me, the temptations all around Disney will most likely get to you. Eat healthy snacks throughout the day so you aren’t tempted to dive head first into a plate of nachos.

When your shirt is bubblegum pink, you have no choice by to pop in a piece of Bubble Yum!
When I saw this shirt from Butler & Co. I knew I had to have it. I love Mean Girls, I love Disney snacks… and honestly, sweat pants are pretty much all that fits me right now. Life has its ups and downs and so does our weight sometime, so I’m just going to embrace it with this awesome tee and some matching Loralette sweatpants (similar).
Sometimes people associate throwing on a pair of sweatpants with looking sloppy or like you just rolled out of bed. I know for a while that is what I thought and I’ve pretty much lived in jeans ever since. But, I want to show you that sweatpants can be both comfy AND stylish.
I paired these with a short-heeled sandal (similar) and a denim jacket from Avenue (similar). The look doesn’t have to be over the top- just pulled together- to really work.
I also styled my hair in loose waves spritzed with a bit of Loreal Elnett Satin Hairspray. Influenster sent me a complimentary bottle of the product to try out. The new hairspray provides the perfect amount of hold to work with this look. It didn’t feel like I even had hairspray in my hair but gave my waves a bit more volume. I wouldn’t recommend it for a long lasting hold, but for a look like this it does the trick!
I want to hear all about how you eat healthy at home or at the parks & any healthy goals you’ve accomplished, as well ones you may have recently set for yourself. Let’s encourage each other to be the healthiest & happiest versions of ourselves we can be!